Four years ago today, my sweet baby sister, Samantha was born. Four years ago, I was still living at home and back in college, so I actually lived with Samantha for the first 3 months of her life. Today, I'm married, finishing Grad School, and about to have a baby of my own. I can't believe how quickly time flies!
Over the years, Samantha has turned into an absolutely beautiful, hilarious and really smart kid. She's fluent in English and Spanish, she loves watching SpongeBob, and loves playing with her Barbies. She's a wild woman, and will run around for hours. I don't know if she's keeping my dad young, or if she's going to kill him from all of their horsing around, but he's loving every minute of it.
If you had asked me about 6 years ago, I never would have guessed that today I would have two more little sisters, or that I would be so happy about it. But how could you not love this kid to pieces? Just look at her! And just ask Melissa: hearing Samantha say, "I love you, Sissy" is one of the sweetest things in the world. I am a lucky, lucky girl to have such wonderful little sisters.
Happy Birthday, Pigga!
2 months old
3 months old and so fat I was afraid she would eat me. Gotta love a breastfed baby!
6 months old, and much less chunky Around a year old at Money Bayou. She looooves the beach!
Around 16 months old. Isn't she beautiful???
Around 2 years old, swimming at St. George Island.
3 years old, taking Oscar for a walk.
3 1/2 at Melissa's rehearsal dinner
After the wedding with her feet in the pool. I'm totally jealous of her tan.
All 4 of the Sissies together
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